Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Extra Credit: Mathias Svalina

This past Tuesday, on April 22nd, Mathias Svalina had a reading where he read some of his published or soon to be published poems. This first poem he read I found to be interesting. His first piece was titled "Why I am White." I found just the title very intriguing.  But I decided to pick my quote from his second book he read from. This book was one collection of lot of poems all titled "Creation Myth."  I chose a line from his second poem he read from this collection.

"In the beginning there was a pen, that drew itself."

I chose this quote because it made me think about the creation myth of how everything started. What was first? Well I guess it all really depends on what you believe in. There is a huge difference in how you would view this statement if you believed in God or if you believed in the big bang theory. This could be viewed however you want it to be. But this sentence just really stuck out to me. Mathias Svalina then started listing off all the things that the pen had drawn. But in the end the pen had realized that it had run out of ink. It thought back to the beginning and wished it would of drawn another pen or ink. Another reason why I chose this quote is because of what one of my friends said to me today at supper. She came up to me and told me that she had a dream about a pen going mad. She dreamt that the pen was freaking out and drawing everything all around. This one poem had enough affect on her to get into her dreams and kind of in a weird way too.  

Worst Song....Ever (close to it)

I absolutely hate the song Touch My Body by Mariah Carey. First off Mariah Carey needs to stop pretending that her career isn't over. She is done with and should stay off of the radios with new songs because I don't like them. Second off Mariah needs to put on some clothes. Does the girl ever wear anything more than a swimming suit? Honestly, leave something to the imagination for just once...please. She isn't exactly in her teens anymore, she is getting up there. She has been through a lot. From horrible music videos just like this one to horrible movies like Glitter, she has done it all. I do not understand Mariah Carey at all and I probably never will. In this song she discusses how she will hunt you down. Now that isn't creepy at all. I don't understand the point of this song or the video which I couldn't even watch all of it. But what I did watch was she invited a "geek" into her house so she could dance sexily around him. Now this makes complete sense to me. Who doesn't do this on a regular basis? I will tell you who does this, Mariah Carey. The song goes on and on about how you should touch her body. Okay? Now this is just flat out odd to me. I don't want people touching me all the time and she definitely shouldn't since she is pretty much half naked all the time. Well I guess I have ranted enough about Mariah Carey. She doesn't even deserve to be ranted about and I should of chose someone more worthy of my time, but I don't really want to re-type 300 words again.

Current Favorite Song

For this post we were suppose to pick our favorite song as of now. I found this to be a very hard task because I like everything...well almost. But then I thought about really hard and I knew exactly what song I would pick. I chose 9 in the Afternoon by Panic! at the Disco. First off I really like Panic! so that helped why I picked them. But also this song is just so catchy and makes me want to sing it. This group is know for their unique style, which is shown in this interesting video, and way to get their message across. The lyrics at first glance are rather strange because first off there is no 9 in the afternoon. With its little jig it has for a melody I don't know how you can't listen to it over and over. One of the main reasons I chose this song is because of how much I like Panic! at the Disco. I saw them in concert and they were amazing. It was not just any normal concert. It was a show. They had dancers that were on stilts, fireworks, and story lines that were being portrayed right there on stage. Even if you couldn't see the band because you were too far back you still had something to look at. With all that going on you could not help but love the show. My friends and I left the concert in amazement of everything that we had seen. I was ready for the concert but not for people coming down form he ceiling. So all and all I just flat out like Panic! at the Disco and this song. So go ahead and play the video again, you know you want to.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to you! I absolutely love my birthday. Last night we celebrated one of my friend's birthday by going out and it reminded me of my own. Her birthday was actaully on Thursday. But the weekend still counts, it is close enough. Birthdays are my favorite thing to celebrate and they just are so much fun to me. I usually count down the days till my birthday because I just can't wait for it to get here. Birthdays are filled with celebration and it makes the day all about the person that is having that birthday. You get one day a year to truly celebrate just you, and only you. Who wouldn't like that? Cake, presents, and a party...what would be better?
One of the best part of birthdays is the pictures. I love taking pictures. But the best part of taking pictures is looking back through them remembering something you forgot. But now a days everyone can see you pictures too. From Facebook to Myspace, your friends can see your every move. They can see what photos you were tagged in or just flat out stalk you. 
Another reasons why I love birthdays is my friends. I don not know what I would do without them. And the best part is that you get to celebrate each person's birthday! The birthday celebration could last all year round depending how many friends you have. Also you always get free desert at restaurants for you birthday. You can't deny anything free, especially when it is chocolate and the waiters and waitresses are singing to you. It would be rude not to eat or accept it. Even though sometimes people do take advantage of the free birthday deserts are restaurants. 
So all and all I pretty much just love birthdays in general even if they aren't mine. So I wish everyone a happy birthday whenever it is. And remember it is your day.