Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

I don't like rain. Not at all. It is wet and annoying and messes up everything. I don't understand why it is raining so much lately and it makes me very upset. I know I get the point of rain and all. But still, can't we have a little break from it? I mean honestly, it is getting ridiculous lately. I know the old saying "April showers bring May flowers." I enjoy flowers and everything but not today I don't care about the flowers. I just want the sun to be out so then it can be warm. Because then when it starts getting warm that means that school is almost over. Then the next thing you know summer is here! I just can't wait for summer to be here. The warm weather, no papers due, and no worries. Summer is pretty much the most amazing thing ever. Who could not like summer? I don't understand those kind of people at all. I don't like snow, rain, or being cold. So don't ask me why I am still in Nebraska. The summer here is what keeps me sane. Without summer I am pretty sure I would crazy without all the amazing things that come with summer. I just want to be able to not have to worry about handing in a paper on time or getting it done for three months. Wow, that sounds like heaven already. But with summer break comes living with my parents for the time also. I want to live with them because well it is rent free. But still after being away from them and their rules is nice. It is going to be really hard to have to go back to them. But I guess I will sacrifice some of my freedom so I don't have to fork up money at the end of the month for rent. In the end of all my ramblings this all doesn't matter because I may day dream about summer, but it is still raining outside.