Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Worst Song....Ever (close to it)

I absolutely hate the song Touch My Body by Mariah Carey. First off Mariah Carey needs to stop pretending that her career isn't over. She is done with and should stay off of the radios with new songs because I don't like them. Second off Mariah needs to put on some clothes. Does the girl ever wear anything more than a swimming suit? Honestly, leave something to the imagination for just once...please. She isn't exactly in her teens anymore, she is getting up there. She has been through a lot. From horrible music videos just like this one to horrible movies like Glitter, she has done it all. I do not understand Mariah Carey at all and I probably never will. In this song she discusses how she will hunt you down. Now that isn't creepy at all. I don't understand the point of this song or the video which I couldn't even watch all of it. But what I did watch was she invited a "geek" into her house so she could dance sexily around him. Now this makes complete sense to me. Who doesn't do this on a regular basis? I will tell you who does this, Mariah Carey. The song goes on and on about how you should touch her body. Okay? Now this is just flat out odd to me. I don't want people touching me all the time and she definitely shouldn't since she is pretty much half naked all the time. Well I guess I have ranted enough about Mariah Carey. She doesn't even deserve to be ranted about and I should of chose someone more worthy of my time, but I don't really want to re-type 300 words again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I would say the only thing this video needs to lose is the geek.