If I were stranded on a desert island and could only pick five c.d.s to live on for the rest of my life I would chose the following:
I chose all of these albums for a couple different reasons. I like variety in my life so if I am going to be stuck on an island I am gonna need to switch it up quite a bit so I tried to choose an array of types of music.
First off I chose the Plain White T's, well of course because I love them. They are my favorite band so why wouldn't I choose them? I chose their album Stop, their first album, because I like it the most. And also because it has my two favorite songs ever on it, Shine and A Lonely September. If I was stuck on a desert island I just know that the Plain White T's would help me through my lonely times.
Next I chose Holiday Parade, because well I love them too. I love their upbeat songs and the way they just make me want to jam out. When stranded on a desert island and all I really have is a boombox and five c.d.s I have a lot of time to jam out. So that is why I would bring this c.d. because in those boring long days of being in the sun I can put this on and just relax.
My next chose is Green Day. I use to be the biggest, hugest Green Day fan but it has faded. But I do still like them and since I am limited to five c.d.s I figured I would choose their greatest hits album. It was a hard choice on this one between the one I chose and Dookie, because I just love them both so much. But I am glad I chose this one for then I can get a little bit of every album, well except their latest but this one will do.
I know I know what you are thinking about my last choice. RENT, honestly? I love the movie RENT, the music, the cast, everything about it. I could listen to this c.d. for hours, days, months, years on end. Which is what I probably would end up doing on a deserted island. There really isn't much to say about this album except it makes me happy and I just absolutely love it!
Last, and most certainly not least, is The Beatles. Now who wouldn't pick The Beatles? Not only are they the greatest band ever on the face of this planet, but they have good music. But really, it's The Beatles, I don't really need to say much here.
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