This diagram is very unique, I never would of thought of drawing what I am looking at right now. The top of my desk, very original. I think the best thing about this diagram is the point it makes...there is a whole lot of graffiti on the desks in Old Main. The desks are covered in things to read. From every swear word in the book, to all the sororities and fraternities that have ever been here at Wesleyan, there are on a desk. But I have to admit the desks with the interesting drawings are the most entertaining. If you ever get bored one day in class just look done at your desk. Time sure does fly when you are trying to figure out what that squiggly thing in the top right corner of your desk is. Then the next class you can pick a new desk and start all over again. Another interesting thing about this diagram is the pencils. There isn't just one, no no this person needs two. A back up pencil, you know just in case. Because only bringing one to class could turn out horrible. What if your first pencil broke and God forbid you would have to get up out of your graffiti desk and sharpen it? Or even worse, what if you just happened to drop your pencil and at the perfect time someone behind you gets up and steps on it? This is why a back up pencil, or auxiliary pencil as labeled in the diagram. But I think the most interesting thing about this diagram is what isn't labeled. The square thingy at the top right corner of the picture. Is it tape with a doodle on it? Is it just more graffiti on the desk? No one knows because the line drawer person did not draw a line to it. We just may never know.
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