I believe this statement to be very true. We all have our favorite authors and we all have the ones that we really don't like that much. You know that one book that you and you hate so you never want to pick up a book by that same author ever again. I experienced this a lot when I was in high school. I remember when I was in high school I absolutely loved the author John Grishman, and don't get me wrong I still do. I really got into all different kinds of books when I became an upper classmen because the books in the library were starting to get into a smaller, and smaller collection. So once all the John Grisham books were gone I went on to Nicholas Sparks, the author all my friends loved to read and cry over his books. Well I read of his books, I'm not quite sure which one it was, and well I guess I thought it was okay. But honestly the way all my friends had built him up so much, I was a tad but disappointed. So from this disappoint I never really could read another book by him again. I know some of you are thinking what a shame because you just love his writing. But, it's kind of like when you are going to see a movie and everyone who has seen tells you it's the best movie ever, that you will laugh your head off, and that there is no way you won't love it. Then, once the credits start rolling and you are left there sitting in your seat you think ummm....okay that wasn't as fantastic as I thought it was going to be, but I guess it was alright. The movie is almost ruined because you had just high expectations for it.
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